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From noise to voice

We all want to create value. It's best done together.

Start developing your impact by measuring spoken interaction with Sanoin.

Do you want to make a difference?

Sanoin is for you.


One of the most precious and humane things in worklife is interaction. By measuring it you can get objective data on your behaviour.



Objective data on your interaction - speaking and listening - will help you gain understanding on your behaviour and possibilities to make an impact.


When you understand what your interaction looks like, you can start trying new ways and see how you can develop your interaction.

The way you communicate makes a difference


"Communication at work can still break down, potentially endangering careers, creating stressful work environments and slowing growth."



"Companies invest heavily on strategies, marketing, branding and so on, notwithstanding financial resources might be equally suited internally for something that’s critical and not functioning, namely communication."


"By collaborating in a more purposeful fashion, the successful people I studied were 18-24% more efficient than their peers."

Sanoin app is easy to try

Find out your true spoken contribution and kickstart your development path.


Sanoin app

Start tracking your contribution and see:

  • how much you are speaking
  • how many conversations you have
  • what is your energy level in those conversations
  • how much silent time you have
"Making interaction visible with Sanoin app helps me to have focus and be present in meetings."
Karlsson_Ilona-IMG_3092 copy-1
Ilona Karlsson, Business Director, Workspace

We're so happy to work with these amazing organisations for your impact

Contact us

Please, speak to us. There are no limits where a dialogue can take us.